Frequently Asked Questions

First off, Life Science Group aims to answer all your questions. Here is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) about a few of our popular products. Additionally, if you have any questions that are not answered here, please contact or call +44 (0) 1234 889180. A member of our sales team will be able to answer any questions you may have about a product and how we can create a solution for your cell culture needs.

cell culture supplements

Custom Media Manufacture FAQ

Why outsource media production? What are your batch sizes? What do you do to maintain traceability? What are your quality control measures? What packaging do you use? Labelling? Shelf-life determination?
life science production, foetal bovine serum

FBS Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is serum? What is the age range criteria for animal serum? What are the alternatives to using FBS? What does it mean when FBS is labelled as USDA Grade or European (EU) Grade? How is FBS shipped? 
Human AB Serum product

Human AB Serum Frequently Asked Questions

What is Human AB Serum? How is it collected? How many donors contribute to a lot of human serum? How long can frozen human serum be stored?
Human AB Serum product

Human Platelet Lysate FAQ

What is hPL? How is it collected? What are the benefits to using hPL instead of FBS? What does it mean when hPL is labelled as Research Grade, GMP or GMP Clinical Grade?

T-Store FAQ

What is T-Store®? What are the advantages and benefits of using T-Store®? What tests are carried out on T-Store®? What are the recommended conditions for culturing cell lines prior to storing using T-Store®?